Saturday, April 2, 2011

Response or Reaction? The 'Seasoning' Will Tell!

When I react to something or someone, my weak, sinful human nature always shines brightly.  This is sad but true.  Reactions are usually immediate and based on the initial feelings we are faced with when we see or hear something that sparks passion in us, whether good or bad.  Responses, on the other hand, usually come more slowly as we give thought to what we say and do.  As Christians, we should carefully ‘respond’ in our communication with others.
Colossians 4:6 says,
 “Let your speech always be full of grace, seasoned with salt,
that you may know how you ought to answer every man.”
The word ‘know’ means to see or perceive with a discerning heart.  Only one who has taken the time to seek answers from God is able to provide this kind of communication.  The word ‘seasoned’ refers to preparation.  Our speech cannot contain discernment without the preparation God provides for us in prayer and in His word.  My husband has an awesome marinade that he will use to season our meat before he cooks it on the grill.  It is worth the wait and the time as the taste is amazing!  The word ‘salt’ refers to the wisdom and grace exhibited in our speech.  If our speech is seasoned, it will be worth hearing. 
So, what does that mean in a nutshell?  When we speak, we are either pointing others back to ourselves with our reactions, or we are pointing them to Jesus Christ with our responses.  How they react or respond to us is between them and God.  I can promise you will sleep easier if you are certain you responded as God seasoned or prepared your responses. 
I would encourage all to consider our call to respond with wisdom and grace the next time we are tempted to gossip or comment on the phone, in the hall of our workplace or church, or on Facebook and Twitter.  And, as we respond on public domains, let us remember that  we are living in a time when we are given tremendous opportunities to express ourselves verbally and SO many are watching and listening.  Some responses are best left for private conversations.   I pray that I can and will always point others to Christ with my responses! 
When in doubt, do nothing until you have time for some ‘seasoning’!  Make it worth the wait!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Are you a Barnabas or Ananias?

Twice this week,(once in a quiet time and tonight at church) I have been reminded of Barnabas-the encourager (Acts 11:23). I am so thankful for those in my life that take the time to encourage me. I pray that my words will always be an encouragement to others and that I will always be ‘aware‘ of those in need of encouragement. Barnabas was ‘aware’ of what God was doing in Saul’s life before he ever became Paul (Acts 11:25-26). People had every reason to question Paul’s sincerity and many had major reservations (Acts 9:13-14,21). I think, sometimes, it is easy to forget that we are on the same side and we hurt others with our words rather than encouraging growth with our lives and words.
Praying tonight, that we rise up to the call of encouragement. Ananias was a righteous man but he was very quick to judge Saul (Paul) based on ‘reports’ from others. I see words of encouragement as an amazing alternative to words of discouragement that can dishearten and even paralyze those who are on the same team.
“But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.” Hebrews 3:13
Why, because we ALL fail and fall! Who did you encourage or discourage this week with your words?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

'Maintenance' Issues!

           Mark and I were out of school today for yet another ‘snow day’!  We did venture out for awhile to take our dachshund, Lucy, to the vet for some ‘maintenance’ issues!  I’ll spare you the details.  As I sat in the lobby, I chatted with other pet owners as they came and went.  I also used my ‘Lucy’ voice with some of the other dogs.  I realized that pet owners seem to have an instant bond.  We immediately want to know about the other pets and their reasons for needing a vet.  There was an old dog with severe pain from diabetes.  There was a seventeen year old poodle that kept getting infections in his mouth and having his teeth removed.  There was a big white dog that was more pink than white because he had bugs under his skin.  I probably would not have talked with any of these people had I seen them outside that waiting room and without their pets.

          As Christians, we also have commonality that binds us together.  His name is Jesus Christ.  Romans 8:17 tells us we are His children and heirs to His Kingdom.   That makes us family.  How are you treating your ‘family’ today?  Have you prayed for someone in your Christian family today?  Have you checked on a hurting family member today?  Have you spent time laughing with a ‘family’ member today?  Our Christian family members often have ‘maintenance’ issues that need our time, love, words of encouragement, and prayers.  And, one day soon, you WILL need them!

Sharing for Him,

Monday, January 10, 2011

2010: Looking Back to See What Is Ahead

2010:  Looking Back to See What Is Ahead!
The year, 2010, was a very eventful year at the McBride house!  Our daughter, Anna-Catherine, finished her year as a college sophomore and began her year as a college junior.  In-between those milestones, she spent seven weeks in Cape Town, South Africa.  Check out her blog, Awakened, to see how God worked and IS working in her life! 
Shortly after the year began, God placed in my heart that the timing was imminent for Uniquely Woman to be published.  I was thrilled when God not only opened that door but He literally paved the way for this Bible Study to begin making its way into the hands of women everywhere.  I cried as my minister, Scott Hanberry, prayed for Uniquely Woman to reach around the world.  My first quarterly report showed that several books were purchased in the UK!  To God be ALL the glory! 
Autumn of 2010 brought us into a bittersweet time in our lives as God placed it in our hearts to leave our church home of 29 years.  This was one of the most difficult decisions we have ever made, to leave the church where Mark and I literally grew up in our marriage and our daughter grew up and was baptized.  Those friends we left behind are still friends and we love them dearly.  Many have shown tremendous support and stay in touch!  God moved us to Longview Heights Baptist Church!  We are incredibly happy there and we are already leading a Sunday school class of young married couples.  I love getting to hear my ‘personal’ favorite Sunday school teacher, Mark McBride, each Sunday! 
2011 has begun and God is already revealing some of what is ahead as I look back over this past year!  So much in my life to be thankful for; God, family, friends, incredible church family, 23 amazing 2nd graders (one moved to Murfreesboro, TN, but he is still mine), precious co-workers!  I could go on and on! 
Sharing for Him!

Goals for 2011: 

1.     Continue the process of ‘Breaking up with myself’–Matthew 10:39

2.      “So then…I was not disobedient to the vision from heaven.” Acts 26:19


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

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This blog is currently under construction. Check back soon for updates.!

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"But for me it is good to be near God; 
I have made the Lord God my refuge, 
that I may tell of all your works."- Psalm 73:28